Acquisitions A complete description of the MRI and MEG experimental set-ups can be found in the CNeuroMod docs. MRI Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is being acquired at the functional neuroimaging unit (UNF) on a 3T Siemens Prisma Fit. MEG Magnetoencephalography (MEG) data is being acquired at the Université de Montréal laboratory. Headcases Headcases manufactured by caseforge are custom-made for each subject in order to reduce motion. Biopac Physiological measures include skin conductance, electrocardiogram, plethysmograph and respiratory belt. Video-game controller A fully MRI-compatible (fiber optics) game controller was developped by M. André Cyr for CNeuroMod. Eye tracker Motion of the eyes and pupil dilation are monitored with an MRI compatible eye tracker. Previous Next